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PI / Houston, Texas / Former Houston Police Officer
Global Security & Investigations is bonded and licensed by the State of Texas. Chuck McDaniel is the founder of GSI, with over 20 years of law enforcement, investigative and security related experience.
125 W. Main #F
Houston, TX 77338

  • Services
  •  PI / Houston, Texas / Former Houston Police Officer
    Real Time Investigations
    Real Time Investigations
    Our company has developed the reputation of providing quality investigation services at a competitive price. We provide services for the private sector,law firms, Insurance companies, government agencies, corporations and other private Investigation agencies.
    1603 California Ave. Suite #116
    Bakersfild, CA 93304
    Real Time Investigations
    Assured Investigations
    MARIETTAA, GA ssured Investigations
    Assured Investigations is a Georgia licensed and bonded Full Service Private Investigation Agency with more than 24 years experience in Federal, State, County, Municipal Law Enforcement, Corporate Security, and Private Investigations. We are dedicated to the finding of facts for our clients at an Affordable Price.  Our established client's include Corporations, Small Businesses, Insurance Companies, Law Firms and the General Public.
    P.O. Box 9245
    MARIETTA, GA 30065

  • Assured Investigations
  • MARIETTAA, GA ssured Investigations
    Professional Consulting and Investigations
    Professional Consulting and Investigations
    We Provide all types of Private Investigator Services
    PO Box 16895
    Chattanooga, TN 37416
    Comprehensive Investigative Services, LLC
    Comprehensive Investigative Services, LLC.
    Investigators with prior law-enforcement experience and training. Trained by many renowned schools as well as agencies such as the FBI and ATF. From background investigations, forensic evidence collection and review, general investigations and case review, private process serving, surveillance, as well as domestic and child cases.
    PO Box 569
    Johnson City, TN 37605
    Comprehensive Investigative Services, LLC.
    Edward Detective Agency
    As licensed private investigators we offer assistance in the area of criminal, and missing persons investigations. Our clientele consists of attorneys, small to large businesses and private individuals
    3205 Moore St
    San diego, CA 92111

  • Services

  • About Us
  • Papago Investigations & Consultants of Arizona
    Papago Investigations
    With over 40 Years of law enforcement major crimes investigative experience and the private sector, Mr. Tschudy offers to clients diversity of ideas, knowledge, insight and experience in the investigative field.
    4120 North Goldwater Blvd., Ste. # 125-B
    Scottsdale, AZ 85251
    Wolff, Kessler and Quigley
    Lyla Schimmel
    Private Investigator
    6113 Wisozk Green
    Apple Valley, IN 20949
    Schaden, Cummerata and Mante
    Kenny Berge
    Private Investigator
    638 Juston Glen
    Lake Elliottchester, WY 83380
    Keeling, Hermiston and Murazik
    Maximillian Kunze
    Private Investigator
    262 Boyle Shores
    East Huldaside, MI 74433-7694
    Simonis, Konopelski and Jacobs
    Candido Bosco
    Private Investigator
    9317 Tobin Landing
    Lake Marionchester, PA 65069
    Larkins Investigations
    Private Investigator Nashville
    We are a full service private investigation firm serving Nashville TN.
    424 Church St
    Nashville, TN 37219

  • Larkins Investigations
    Al Lathrom
    Private Investigator
    3171 S 129th E Ave, Ste 1155
    Tulsa, OK 74134
    Toronto P.I. (Private Investigator - Toronto Ontario Canada)
    Toronto Private Investigator
    EXPERIENCE SAYS IT ALL - Our staff consists of hand picked highly trained retired police officers who know how to get the job done. With over 100 years of combined experience, we specialize in virtually every aspect of investigation.
    Suite 326-1822 Whites Rd
    TORONTO, Ontario L1V0B1

  • Services

  • About Us
  • Toronto Private Investigator
    Price, Orn and Gislason
    Mabel Renner
    Private Investigator
    54227 Connelly Wells
    Tiannacester, MT 07736
    Spectrum Security & Investigative Services, Inc.
    Private Investigator, NY
    Spectrum also provides very specific teams such as, arson investigations, homicide investigations, rape, child molestation, shootings and more. All of Spectrum's investigators are certified expert witnesses in the New York State Supreme Court system and assigned counsel.
    120 East Washington St. Suite 822
    Syracuse, NY 13202
    Lindgren - Lynch
    Nikolas Hickle
    Private Investigator
    765 Leannon Extensions
    Roswell, DE 32299
    Zulauf, Douglas and Gaylord
    Laverne Olson
    Private Investigator
    97081 Fritsch Circles
    Emeliestad, FL 49744
    Research Services
    K. Anne Hale
    Private Investigator
    WELLINGTON, FL 33414
    Specialised Private Investigations
    Specialised Private Investigations
    Specialised Private Investigations provides it’s clientele with a sound, scientific and cost effective approach. We assign only the best specialist candidates and tools for each unique situation to service the private as well as business sector.
    Unit 24, Hekla road, Valhalla, Centurion
    Pretoria, Gauteng 0185
    A & E Detective Group, Inc.
    We offers investigative services into matters such as missing persons, background checks, financial investigations, civil litigation, domestic and forensic data recovery.
    19510 VENTURA BLVD
    Tarzana, CA 91356

  • Worker's Compensation

  • Cheating Spouse

  • Background Check
  • A & E Detective Group, Inc.
    Rosenbaum, Keeling and Waelchi
    Sabryna Boyle
    Private Investigator
    795 Ernestine Lodge
    South Dayne, AZ 49922-0437
    Henson Detective Agency L.L.C.
    Henson Detective Agency,Tulsa, OK
    Henson Detective Agency uses high-tech pinpoint tracking devices. Not only will you know the location where and when someone is a possible cheating spouse, you will also be able to obtain location whereabouts of your teenage driver in the family car
    4306 S. Peoria Ave. PMB # 421
    Tulsa, OK 74105

  • Introduction

  • Services Offered
  • Henson Detective Agency,Tulsa, OK
    AB Intelligence Services Ltd.
    Artis Brinkmanis
    Private Investigator
    Maskavas street 162
    Riga, Latvia LV1003
    Bradtke LLC
    Cordell Hickle
    Private Investigator
    7724 Wiegand Fields
    Kathlynhaven, ID 53024-4197
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    What are signs of a cheating spouse?
    Generally these signs are displayed unknowingly by the cheater, therefore, it is easy to spot these sudden changes in behavior. These signs should only be used as a tool to gauge your suspicions....
    Why do you need a private investigator?
    Private investigations are deemed legal or at least not disallowed in most of the world today. It's a known fact that the legal proceedings sometimes go inconclusive due to a lack of strong evidence. ...
    How to Become a Private Investigator
    Though there are no formal qualifications required to become a private investigator, it is advantageous to have good general education. ...
    Skip Tracing
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    Process Serving
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    Background Screening
    Companies hire services of investigating agencies or background screening agencies for a fee. Many commercial websites offer specific searches for employers based on their requirements. ...
    Data Profiling
    Data profiling is used in security, law enforcement and intelligence operations for a variety of applications — for example, to assess "trust" for security clearances or to grant authorization etc....
    Private Detectives: Nature of Work
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    Miranda Warning
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    Who is a Detective?
    Detective is an investigator, either a member of a police agency or a private person. Private detectives usually operate commercially and are licensed....

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